Sunday, December 17, 2006 Is LIVE! is LIVE! is the reality TV drama about the day to day happenings at the new internet company called PayPerPost. They actually have three episodes available already and previews of the fourth. Each episode is eight to ten minutes or so long.

Most of the time the focus is on the head honcho of PayPerPost, Ted. He gives insight on his thoughts, shows interaction between him and his employees and basically shows the day to day happenings of a web 2.0 company.

The only thing that I wish Ted would have included more of is when he was actually out begging for dollars from venture capitalists. The show starts out with "well I just got $3,000,000 from VC's" and goes from there. It would have just been neat to see his pitches and groveling!

As a doubler, and hopeful future big shot business owner, I have found this series pretty insightful and entertaining though. It doesn't get to indepth which may have made it boring and shows that a sense of humor is relevant in the work place.

So go to and see for yourself, or better yet, join PayPerPost and be a part of it. Whatever you do, I know that you will enjoy this real time adventure!

Til next time.....

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