Monday, September 18, 2006

Other Doublers!

I added links to other doublers that have a blog/website.

One thing that I noticed is that we all have different rules, different ways of collecting money and live in different parts of the world. But we do have one goal in common and that is to make money by doubling.

I hope that we can all learn from each other and gain confidence, inspiration and also to cheer each other on.


Xinfinitum said...


I am doing the Double To A Million Plan(DTAMP) and wanted to cheer you on and wish you success.

I noticed you can get Ten Cents a can for "returns", thats great. I am only able to get Five Cents but have found over 1000 bottles and cans to help me along.

I am thinking of also adding other Doublers to my Links as well.

Good Luck.


Unknown said...


I am very grateful that the return rate is 10 cents here. But I am
impressed with the 1000 you have collected. Great job!

I have linked you and some others already and a link back from your
blog would be awesome and greatly appreciated.

I will keep myself updated on your progress and will hope you do the
same with mine.

Good job so far and keep up the great job!
