Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Other peoples trash...!

I took back another load of bottles last night. I had 35 cans and 65 bottles for a grand total of 100, which I received crisp new $10 bill to add to my stake. I am enjoying the huge increases in my stake from the bottles, but understand it won't last for ever. But I will worry about that when that time comes. Until then, thanks to everyone for thinking the bottles are just trash.

Balance - $22.83 + $10.00 = $32.83

$8.13 from Completing Step 13!

Till next time.....


Xinfinitum said...

Hi Scott,

Just to let you know, you may have mistaken me for "The Double Challenge", another Doubler's Blog. It looks like we are using the same Template.

I am at "Double To A Million Plan" (D.T.A.M.P.) dtamp.blogspot.com

Hope you can link me as well.


Unknown said...

Sorry X, I will correct that.
