Monday, November 05, 2007

Ron Paul Could Save Us All $$$$

One of the biggest thieves of America's already shallow pockets is our own Government. It doesn't matter if it is the Federal or State Governments, they both are very good at figuring out ways to make our hard earned paychecks disappear.

In 364 days we will be voting for a new leader of the good ole USA. I have been truly in total disgust of our election system has worked the last 10 years or so, not how the actual system worked, but how people have voted. Do we not learn from our mistakes? Well, I hope so.

I have not voted the traditional Republican-Democrat ways the last few elections in hope of some logic would be voted into the White House. We can see that has not happened.

The next election though is bringing in a candidate that is not only making sense, but is garnering a huge following. I am talking about Ron Paul!

I know, I am not trying to push this down your throat or anything, but I am asking that you keep an open mind an read how he stands on the issues. I have put a link down below so you can check out his stances. Thanks.

Ron Paul Website

Till next time.....

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